The Punjab government has included the Gulberg Elevated Highway project in the Lahore Master Plan 2050.
The 10.5-kilometre route on the Gulberg Elevated Highway will connect Gulberg’s Home Economics College to the Lahore-Islamabad Highway (M2), bypassing Shadman, Samanabad, Ferozepur Road and Gulshan Ravi. The four-lane route is expected to accommodate 73,866 vehicles per day. There are 6 intersections along its length.
The estimated cost of the project is PKR 85 billion and includes the acquisition of 801 Kanal of private land worth PKR 3.5 billion to be handed over to the Lahore Development Authority (LDA). Final federal approval of the project is expected in the next budget. It is important to note that the project was approved in 2019 and touted as a viable project to reduce urban pollution by easing traffic congestion in major urban areas.
The Punjab government has conducted a feasibility study to assess the project and its potential benefits. The study concluded that the project was viable and would have a positive impact on the city’s infrastructure.
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